(Dr Carl-Peter Herbort Jr, Specialist in Ophthalmology and Eye surgery FMH, MD, PD, FEBO, aMER)
The staff in contact with patients is either vaccinated or regularly tested
A skilled team

The Center for Ophthalmic Specialized care (COS) and its 6 staff members welcome patients wishing to have an eye examination or presenting any ocular pathology. More particularly, specialties of the COS are uveitis or inflammatory and infectious diseases of the uvea, disorders of the ocular adnexa such as blepharitis and blepharospasm (botulin injection) and those affecting the cornea and the conjunctiva, medical retina including age-related macular degeneration or ARMD (intravitreal injections), pediatric ophthalmology, cataract or clouding of the lens of the eye, ocular angiography based on fluorescein (FA) or indocyanine green (ICGA), and glaucoma in the detection and follow-up stages. The COS team includes Dr Carl-Peter Herbort Jr, three orthoptists and a specialized photographer. Finally, the COS employs a full-time medical secretary to maintain a quality communication and to welcome patients on-site. more information here
An up-to-date equipment

- Autorefraction, corneal topography, pachymetry (thickness of the cornea)
- Optical Coherence Tomography (SD-OCT) (retina and choroid scanner)
- Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (OCTA)
- Visual field and microperimetry
- Laser Flare Photometry (LFP) (intraocular inflammation)
- Interferometry (cataract size)
- Biometry (power of the intraocular lens in preparation for a cataract surgery)
- Ganglion cell measurement (glaucoma progression)
- Argon Laser and YAG Laser
A conveniently situated practice

The COS can be reached by car, train, bus or subway. It is 15 minutes away from Lausanne Regional Airport and 50 minutes away from Geneva International Airport. Lausanne can be reached by boat from Evian in half an hour. more information here